Tuesday, December 31, 2019

inflation rose 20% 2010 to 2019



Monday, December 30, 2019

'The County council was abolished in Greater Manchester in 1986, however the area still utilises some amenities and services on a county-wide basis. This is largely overseen by Association of Greater Manchester Authorities which represents the ten local authorities of the county, and acts as a body by which co-ordination and county-wide strategies can operate. Law enforcement is carried out by Greater Manchester Police. Fire protection is carried out by Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service. Public transport is organised by the Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Executive (GMPTE) and there is also the Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authority.'


vicky noyes from williamstown

Purchasing & Material Control

Vicky Noyes – Purchasing Manager
Tel: 802.442.4418 ex. 304

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

marta toothe implants asked nicely

neologisms like neoliberal

the clintons and al gore were centrists not neoliberal which is a neologism created in the 1960s by libertarians to subvert modern american liberalism

gun violence

what i said is true

before republican charlie baker became governor in 2016 massachusetts had the lowest gun death gun rates and among the strictest gun laws

chicago gun violence spiked in 2015 just after illinois passed conceal carry

alaska has the most gun deaths per capita and the loosest gun laws

maine has the lowest violent crime rate almost every year because it has has the oldest population and liberal portland is ranked the 23rd best city in the u s and best city in new england

Saturday, December 7, 2019

friend suggestion


Sunday, December 1, 2019

dr preston robinson story idea rockefellers moved to williamstown bohemian grove rockefeller a bomb idea alleged created there

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

joke paddock

trump says impeachment is a scam

like he would like to buy it and turn it into a university...

hey how much do you want for that scam ? we have the best scams !

it's the economy they say

when i look at the economy i see two things - billionaires and homeless people

the supply of billlionaires is growing while the middle class is dwindling

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

george hw bush, who created pennzoil, had lunch with osama's brother the day before 9/11

george w bush flew the bin laden family, who might have been in the country illegally, out of the u s 3 days after 9/11

george w bush was a business partner of osama's brother at harbinger oil

otto skorzney said george w bush was george scherff jr

harry hall harry sinclair

harry hall is harry sinclair

the sinclairs were the st claires alleged priori de sion

pdf archive

a guy named robinson invented the capacitor used to trigger the atomic bomb and lived in our hometown
the guy who wrote the graduate went to college in our hometown

theodore hall apparently gave the a bomb plans to the soviets as part of the venona spy ring - and got away with it
but hall wasnt his real name

so if harry hall's parents aren't known, hall might not have been harry's real name

In the fall of 1936, despite the protests of their parents, Edward, his brother, changed both his and Theodore's last name to Hall in an effort to avoid anti-Semitic hiring practices.[2][4]'

'From Holtzberg to Hall'

tom gulla:

hall have many name try harry haler

tom gulla took down his post after i commented on his public group frank cimino killed jfk


'At his Kandiyohi home, Hoffer laid out other items from Heinrich’s home, including a collection of vintage Nazi posters, a large photograph of Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler — the architect of the Holocaust.'
- 8wcco tv december 8th 2015

'Asked whether he abducted, sexually assaulted and murdered Jacob, Heinrich said: "Yes, I did."'

'In exchange for Heinrich's plea, the prosecutors agreed not to charge him with Wetterling's murder. In accordance with the plea agreement, Heinrich was sentenced to the maximum sentence for the charge to which he pled, 20 years in prison. In addition, the plea deal allows state authorities to seek his civil commitment as a sexual predator at the end of his federal prison term, which could prevent him from ever going free. In sentencing Heinrich, Judge Tunheim said:'

https://alchetron.com/Jacob-Wetterlinga A

Sunday, November 3, 2019

'She understands that if she's attacked it's because she's making a difference

harold might be accidently involved in another hidden treasure mystery:






As renewable costs plummet, it is clear that there is no technological obstacle to transforming our energy system to create millions of good jobs. What we need now is the political will to enact a Green New Deal

susan collins, why is the pentagon missing $6.5 trillion ?

just realized i know something that most of America doesn't
susan got elected to three terms because the old loring afb now has the military pay station
'DFAS Limestone, a major component of the Defense Finance and Accounting Service office (BRAC 2005 consolidated 26 offices into 5 and this was one of the consolidation points'
so maybe that's why i was hit by cars 3 times in one day in caribou in 201

The lawyer shared an article published by Politico on Thursday morning. Titled "Trump lures GOP senators on impeachment with cold cash," the article outlined how the president is turning to his large network of donors to raise funds for a few senators facing difficult re-election campaigns in 2020. All of those senators have also signed a resolution condemning the Democratic-led impeachment inquiry

"This is a bribe. Any other American who offered cash to the jury before a trial would go to prison for felony bribery. But he can get away with it?" Painter, a law professor at the University of Minnesota, wrote on Twitter. "Criminal."'

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

fb page organizer

1. diy lifehack fb page


2. construction and building dyi ideas


3. 9/11 dossier page


4. green new deal


5. story page


when i was a teen one of the kids from town somehow got to be a dj at the college radio station when he was like 13

ran into him on fb he went into the military then became a fire fighter

using him as an example, because he got a really serious disease that caused him to lose his vocation -

how are you all going to pay your health insurance premiums if and eventually when you get sick and cant work - and why didnt we all think of that before ?

medicare for all

Sunday, October 13, 2019

ring stylus




patricia cornwall space corps scifi

romeo and julliet holly and the italians

kokomo and turn the radio up eric carmen on 80's group

Sunday, August 4, 2019


obama raised the dow to 27,000 before his tax hikes on the rich were cut

the dow is 26,500 a year and a half later

russia has a $220 billion trade surplus the u s trade deficit has grown to $800 billion after obama lowered it to $400 billion because of trump's tariffs while trump has raised the deficit by $4.1 trillion with tax cuts and hand outs to farmers

trump is trying to break up the eu who putin opposes and has attacked our nato allies and has discussed pulling out of nato

trump took the notes from the interperater at his secret meetings with putin

trump designated fascist brazil a non nato ally and has put our ww2 ally china on the enemies of the state list

trump supporters have betrayed America but aparently not the republican party:


counter sink bit

it was illegal to profit off of health care back in...

not illegal per say blue cross blue shield were non profit

aetna and cigna for profit health insurance were providing for profit policies by 1951

Justin Lester

he gave away state secrets from israeli intelligence  while in office

he ordered mueller fired while in office

his policies caused the deaths of six migrant children while in office

us trade deficit historical

dem administation lowered trade deficit repubs raised it



trump tax cuts raised the deficit by $1.8 trillion

and thejuly 2019 soon to signed budget raised the deficit by 4.1 trillion from trump's policies


under a tuscan sun good book written by a lady poet