Saturday, October 10, 2020

standard oil


william howard taft administration filed the anti trust lawsuit against standard oil in 1909 the year taft became president because teddy roosevelt pledged to only serve 2 terms

standard oil was broken up in 1911 and teddy roosevelt's bull moose progressive wing party was created a year later to oppose taft in the 1912 election breaking t r's pledge to only run for 2 terms

president taft was left holding the bag for breaking up the most cutthroat, dangerous and powerful corporation in world history

standard oil

george h w bush's oil company zapata petroleum  merged with south penn oil in 1963 to become pennzoil after bush allegedly sold his shares in it

pennzoil was once part of standard oil

'In 1963, Zapata Petroleum merged with South Penn Oil to become Pennzoil.'

cornell law library record of the federal anti trust lawsuit filed against standard oil:

'Despite evidence uncovered by journalists and executives of oil companies destroyed by Standard Oil, attorneys general during the Cleveland, Harrison, McKinley, and Roosevelt administrations refused to act against the corporation. Theodore Roosevelt's second administration, faced with mounting public outrage over the company's practices, finally ordered an investigation and prosecution of Standard Oil. The case was continued by Roosevelt's successor, William Howard Taft, who had made a promise to vigorously prosecute the Standard Oil case during his presidential campaign in 1908.'