Wednesday, September 22, 2021


did you visit the unibomber's cabin yet, or cannery row, or look for the lost dutchman's mine in the superstition mountains, or publish a zine, or find jack kerouacs's house or drink genesee 12 horse ale on a lawn on a hot summer's afternoon after the fog comes out of the cold, sweating green bottle when you pop open the cap while carla bley's 'lawns' plays in the boombox, or build a pallet board cabin in the woods, or climb a mountain you've been daydreaming about climbing from the window of the factory you worked at that turned out to have a waterfall next to the trail and take a shower underneath it on a dry, dusty day, or publish a cartoon in a magazine, or fast for a week dreaming of your favorite food then gorge yourself on it when the week is up, or write a song, or find something cool like a $35 baby monitor in a kmart dumpster so you give it to your friend who gets her friend to take it back to kmart and gets a $35 refund then you find the same baby monitor in the kmart dumpster and your friend takes it back again and gets another $35 ?

these are like the forgotten things you've already done or wanted to do that already make life worth living !

thanks for posting Jen, and reminding us

Tuesday, September 14, 2021


'In Sarasota, for instance, Christensen’s push for records uncovered an FBI agent’s declassified report compiled in the year after the attacks, claiming “many connections” between the hijackers and the Saudi family. The FBI has long insisted there were none.'

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

'evil empire'


the rockefellers still controlled the aramco board when the saudis perped 9/11 and oil rose from $8/ barrel in 1999 when 'the evil empire'  standard oil began remergering to $148  / barrel in 2008 as saudi gdp tripled

motiva energy wiki

reuters says oil company mergers surged in 2021:

- reuters july 12th, 2021

the rockefellers were credited by dr earnest lawrence of creating the atomic bomb and they also created the standard oil m-69 napalm bomb that firebombed yoko ono in tokyo

many of you don't yet know nuclear reactors can make gold

Sunday, September 5, 2021


the nations that beat covid closed their schools, had high mask wearing rates and sent out monthly stimulus checks 


closed it's schools early for the year in 2021

cases and deaths



taiwan sold 'stimulus vouchers' for  $35 (u s) that were good for 3 times that amount in goods and services and now are giving them to poor people for free and which are now worth 5 times the  $35 (u s) fee

taiwan closed all schools for 11 days

cases and deaths


hong kong

hong kong closed schools 3 times for each new wave of covid now they have it beat, until they let foreigner's start arring again

cases and deaths


south korea

cases and deaths