Saturday, April 29, 2023


maryann's old house - before the town aquired it put a new metal roof on it, selling it to Ibrahim who rented it to some couple from florida now it is abandoned for taxes again

Deirdre Áine Oakley 

i thought you just mentioned there was not enough affordable housing in berkshire county

our town manager now librarian solved the housing problem with judy, randy, kody and my apartments here in van buren which the town owns because the bechards who owned it and the restaurant beneath it then abandoned it and let it go for taxes when they moved to the old frog hollow restaurant, which had been abandoned and let go for taxes 

then the bechards left there after taking the kitchen equipment the town manager got them by writing a development grant -  to move to caribou where they went out of business after kiting payroll checks leaving frog hollow abandoned for taxes again 

there are many more abandoned properties in portland where they just extended the deadline for removing the huge homeless encampment that sprung up there after the eviction moratorium ended

now there are 4 of us with 2 people paying full rent 2 paying section 8 subsidized rent and the town is making a profit off of a building that would have been torn down otherwise - there are at least a dozen abandoned houses in town the town owns and could fix up to rent - they fixed one of #alphena12's sister maryann's houses up and sold it after maryann let it go for taxes - but ibrahim left and now it is abandoned for taxes again

fields realty became the town realtor and is selling the tax aquired properties in town but one can't get a list to see what the properties are or how much taxes are owed to try to buy them oneself for the price of the outstanding taxes, which sometimes is very little money

if there were a large excess of apartments to rent it would be difficult for private landlords to raise average rents 12+% like they did last year and 8% like every year before

the landlords are usually the largest group of property owners in any municipality and usually control the town and city councils

bernadette's house

she lived in section 8 housing until her good son david passed away...he had a good job with fairchild semiconductor and left her just enough money to get a small house of her own:

she lives next door to brian bouchard who is a reporter for wgma tv

bernadette had a crush on ted shapiro, the wgma weatherman mentioned it to david on fb and one day david took bernadette to walmart and 'accidently' bumped into mr shapiro in the parking lot, but she panicked and ran away

both bernadette's and maryann's husbands plowed the snow off the loring runway and possibly since they were both ex military off of the q clearance nuclear storage and testing depot

bernadette had worked at the base in the maternity ward of the base hospital and bernadette and maryann both survived two cancers

heidi's house before it caught fire after her water had been shut off when the town aquired it for back taxes:

Dorothy and The Doxy

There was a new store in the mall yesterday.


See, I was fated to meet Dorothy.

I didn't know that until I found out about the Rockefeller - Taft history tho, as many of you have not found out yet about the connectivity in your own lives.

There is probably no way I ever would have found out about the organization Dorothy had said was called 'The Doxy' without Dorothy being angry at her late husband causing her to tell me about it.

She believed her husband had complete control over her - and she would become incredibly angry just thinking about it, even though he was dead.

Whether she meant sometype of mind control I am not sure, except she once told me he told her he was a warlock.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

stuff stashed in basement


big grey suitcase:

george foreman like grills

electric can opener

white blender

Monday, April 24, 2023

text notes saved April 24 2023

 i knew i should keep my mouth shut because we were just starting to get along, and in case some of you have not noticed, i  often appear to be a 'know it all' - i could sense i  was going to lose her interest if i told her that they didn't use hydrogen in blimps anymore they use helium, but i told her anyway and i could see her openness fold back up like a orange lilly at sunset - now, though, since i found out she was writing what was the beginning of perhaps 'the greatest science fiction story ever written' it may be important that she be accurately informed ! 

tweedle dumb and dumber

'“I don’t know where [William] got it from, but he just said ‘The Jesus and Mary Chain,'” recalled Jim Reid in 2015. “And at first, it sounded like, ‘Naah, no way,’ and then you kind of think about it, you think, ‘Well, fuck, that sounds like no other band.’ So we went with it.”'

'In my first neuroscience course at Columbia University, I learned about the homunculus. This “little man” is depicted as an upside-down representation of the human body moving from toe to head in a portion of the cerebral cortex that controls movement. Wilder Penfield, the trailblazing Canadian-American neurosurgeon, created the homunculus metaphor after mapping areas of the human brain by using direct electrical stimulation in awake patients in the 1930s.'

Magnetic Motor Using Increase Speed at Magnet Rot…:

ouellette's trading post

open 7:30am to 4:00 pm sunday

6:00 am to 6:00 pm during the week and they serve pizza during those hourse

'More than 1 million Floridians had voted by mail as of Friday afternoon, according to the Florida Division of Elections. That’s just shy of a quarter of the roughly 4.2 million voters who asked for ballots to be delivered through the postal service.

Nearly 29% of Republicans who requested to vote-by-mail in the upcoming general election have returned their ballots, compared to about 24% of Democrats, according to data tracked by the state.'

'Russia has 110 official billionaires in the list, up 22 from last year, according to Forbes' Russian edition, which said their total wealth increased to $505 billion from $353 billion when the 2022 list was announced.'