Saturday, September 2, 2023

 'Top reviews from the United States


4.0 out of 5 starsVerified Purchase

He sold his soul for Rock & Roll

Reviewed in the United States on August 28, 2015

I have known for a long time that the Beatles, like most celebrities were involved in the occult, & in fact were fans of the sinister Satanic figure, Aleister Crowley. It seems John Lennon told friends & relatives that he'd made a pact with the devil for fame & fortune, sometime in Dec. 1960. John wanted more fame & wealth than his idol, Elvis had attained, & so in exchange for his soul, his request was granted (for 20 years). Satan, however, is specific in his demand for "a formal denial of the Christian faith, a rejection of Christian symbols & a renunciation of the Lord & his saints....and an expressed hatred for all Christians & a promise to resist all attempts to convert." And very rapidly the fortunes of a mediocre & nearly unknown band took off & conquered the world for rock & roll.

John fulfilled his part of the bargain & was very vocal in his denunciations of Christ & the faith. He would urinate from the balcony on groups of Nuns as they passed by underneath where the Beatles were staying. He would mock them, saying "here's some raindrops from heaven for you," & then pelt them with condoms full of water. After several years of success as a band, Lennon in 1966 made the statement in England that the 'Beatles were more popular than Jesus now' which caused quite a stir in America & led to a revolt by many Christians here against the Beatles, which led to many bonfires of Beatle records & memorabilia, & a decrease in their popularity in the U.S. Lennon also made the blasphemous statement of Jesus being a garlic-eating, stinking little yellow, greasy fascist bastard, Catholic Spaniard.

It was from that point on that Beatle popularity began to wane, even though their bank accounts didn't. Paul McCartney, many believe, was killed in 1966 & replaced with a less talented double, that John absolutely couldn't get along with, & which George Harrison said, led to the break-up of the band. The long romance with Yoko Ono, who the other Beatles loathed, didn't help matters either. Although John became fabulously wealthy as a performer, as time went by, he always remembered his pact with the devil & just how much time he had left. Finally on Dec. 8th, 1980, a deranged fan (Mark David Chapman) waited for him outside his Dakota building apartment in NYC & pumped 5 bullets into Lennon, exactly to the day & 20th anniversary of the 1960 pact with Satan. Lennon's date with destiny had arrived, with no doubt where he'd spend eternity. He would learn the hard way that the Devil always receives his due.

Many other performers in Hollywood & Rock & Roll music would make the same pacts with Satan for success, most notably Bob Dylan, as he admitted to in an interview with 60 minutes' Ed Bradley. The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, The Who, & many other notable groups would all lose a band member under tragic circumstances. Satanic sacrifices? Maybe. Sometimes more wealth & popularity requires it. And many are the individuals who died mysterious, unnatural deaths in the industry, that had occult ties (Brian Jones, Jimmy Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain, Michael Jackson, etc.). Matthew 16:26 says: "For what will a man be profited, if he gains the whole world & forfeits his soul?" John Lennon & these other star performers now know the horrible cost of "dancing with the Devil." A 150 million dollar bank account does Lennon no good at all in hell, as it's far too late to turn things around for him now. Lennon's life was a repeat of the Dr. Faustus tragedy.'

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