Tuesday, February 27, 2024


The Republican owned polling projections claimed Trump would win South Carolina in the 2024 Republican Primary over former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley by 35%.

Trump won the 2024 Republican Primary in South Carolina by 20%.

The polls were incorrect by 15%, with the bias in the more Conservative candidate's favor.

This has happened many times in the last 10 years, causing many people not to vote - thinking their vote wont matter anyway.

Rassmussen Wiki:

'For the 2020 United States presidential election, Rasmussen Reports' final White House Watch survey of likely U.S. voters showed Democrat Joe Biden with a 1% lead over Republican Donald Trump, stating that "President Trump and Democrat Joe Biden are in a near tie."[7] Ultimately, Biden won the election by 4.5 percentage points. In 2018, Rasmussen Reports predicted that Republicans would win the generic ballot by 1 percentage point while the actual election results had Democrats winning by nearly 9 percentage points. This error of nearly 10 percentage points was the largest polling error out of major firms who polled the national generic ballot.[8] Rasmussen pushed back against critics after their miss, saying "the midterm result was relatively poor for Democrats compared to other midterms".'

'The Monmouth poll released Thursday is in line with other recent public polling in the state. Trump has led Haley by north of 25% in polls since before she joined the race. FiveThirtyEight’s polling average has Trump up by 30 percentage points.'

- Spectrum News February 1st, 2024

'These factors leave voters more vulnerable to bad actors who use deceptive practices to spread false information in an attempt to trick people out of voting. In the United States, there is a long history of using such practices to keep certain voters away from the polls. And in recent years, the internet and social media platforms have increased the threat of vote suppression. For example, a deceptive tweet can reach millions of readers in a matter of minutes.'

- Brennan Center September 2nd, 2020

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