Thursday, May 2, 2024


- The Bangor Daily News May 2nd, 2024

Keegan Variety is for sale ! - and Bob, the owner, just opened a new laundromat in Van Buren.

Keegan Variety could have been like Fannie and Anna's little store, which was their home with the store in front.

Was fascinated learning about the store, and it was always fun going in talking to them - they would take 10 minutes to make you an ice cream cone, talking about stuff the whole time - I loved maple W

walnut back then, and that is what I usually ordered. 

I realized just recently, while they took their time chatting and making the cones, we'd be looking around and spot something else we would want to buy...

Somehow they stayed in business for maybe 80 years +.

The Rockefellers built Columbia University, where police just cracked down on both sides of the Hamas war protests. 

Columbia funded the McGill University Allen Memorial Institute MK Ultra experiments in Montreal, which began as a way to cure schizophrenia with sensory deprivation, but created vegetable people instead.

Apparently, schizophrenics had something to do with mind control techniques, though the government's copies of the experiment records were destroyed, except some of the funding records, which were forgotten in another file cabinet or something.

Dr Jose Delgado used a stimciever to mind control schizophrenic psych patients with implanted electrodes in their brains.

Stuff like this makes schizophrenics angry.

You probably don't want angry schizophrenics to own guns, do you.

Seems reasonable...but then they used that line of rationalization to say Jewish people and others should not be allowed to own guns either.

The Enabling Act fostered gun control directive of 1938 began disarming the schizophrenics and Jewish people first, before the NAZIs began rounding them up in 1939.

All of the schizophrenics in Germany were either sterilized or murdered.


You probably don't remember Tash's store on Water Street, almost directly across from the mouth of Latham St.

Fannie and Anna Tash were Assyrian, and their dad began the store selling goods to one of the Williams College dorms' kitchens from a wagon. 

With his proceeds he built the store and left it to Fannie and Anna, and it became a wonderfull place to get an ice cream cone or some zots or root beer barrels when we were kids.

The pair gave many of the locals credit during the great depression keeping them fed until the 1933 New Deal, which created the greatest economic expansion in history. 

Looking them up was how we found out about the Assyrian Genocide the Muslim Ottomans perpetrated against Christians in the Middle East during WW1, ending with the Battle of Armageddon (Megiddo) in 1918, which ended the war, giving the British and French control of Palestine, before Israel was given it back in 1947 with the Balfour Doctrine.

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