Monday, June 22, 2020

oh wow

something amazing and strange happened a few weeks ago here in van buren and i just pieced it together

the beautiful woman i slept with one night under the ashley river route 7 bridge was just up here in van buren but i didnt realize it was her !

Jason had just walked into the family dollar and in some strange twist of fate dropped his coffee cup, accidently kicking it, and the coffee flew up into where we check out and some got on a lady

the woman asked if he meant to do it and jason said no and apologized and the lady said she was having stressful episode then asked again if he meant to do it and i told her no he really didnt because i was looking right at him when he did it

then this tall guy who had been waiting in front of the candy bar rack asked if he could step in front of me to take a picture and he took a picture not of the lady but i guess some sign as she was leaving and she became upset again asking if he took a picture of her

then she came back into the store looked me right in the eyes as she came towards me and walked past

then she went back into the isles and i thought i'd better leave her alone

but after i got home i realized i had seen the woman, who was very lovely, before and i thought i'd reckognized the voice from somewhere

then a few hours later it dawned on me - it was marilyn !

...more to come

i got problem fb community walking back to my camp three nights ago it below freezing lady on highway in  house coat light pants say woman where she live tried to kill her cause her sister took out life insurance policy on her told her she was going to have her killed this woman say she afraid for her life ran away from aclf get mad if i call police she think some of them might help her sister kill her she have sister she trusts who was ill + living in macrea, ga. wanted to go there but she couldn't walk any farther + no one would pick her up hitchhiking ( she afraid of greyhound bus they'd ask for id...we survived the night (no hanky panky my panky too cold ) next morning she say she ok now want coffee but the last coffee we made night bfr frozen in cup so she walk all the way back to her alf ( cabading boarding home ) she say she gonna b okay now and not to tell anyone what she had told me about her sister and to plz call and check on her sort of mentioned she might  have similar problem as me (i have have  sz )...

i call 2 days later she say everything fine she OK now called today alf says she called ambulance took her to trident hospital e.r. on us 17 yesterday because of cough - she may have caught cold that night ( actually near 526 + goose creek ) called trident they say she discharged this morning called alf they said yes she not there she staying at her sisters ...

" the one in charleston ? " ( that she think trying to kill her ) i ask...

" yes."

told her her best option was to go public + that if anything happened to her i'd post it on fb + g+


fb post from 2015

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