Tuesday, May 2, 2023


- gail's fb

i forget which one, but the head editor for one of them just became the editor in chief at rolling stone about 6 months ago

oh, no it were the daily beast





his dad was vp of national city bank owned by the rockefellers

'Henry was a loan officer and Vice President at First National City Bank for 25 years.'


''Respect in Russia. The two big figures in Citibank's success are Chairman James Stillman Rockefeller—grand-nephew of John D. Rockefeller Sr., third cousin to Chase Manhattan President David Rockefeller—and President George S. Moore. Chief Executive Rockefeller, 63, theoretically presides over high policy, while Moore, 60, runs day-to-day operations such as the bank's highly respected monthly Economic Review (circ.: 350,000). In fact, both men take turns running the bank—and supervising its 184 vice presidents—because each of them spends about half of his time on business trips. Between them, Moore and Rockefeller log up to 300,000 miles a year, visit every country in which Citibank does business, including Russia, which honors the bank's traveler's checks.'


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