Saturday, April 27, 2024

Cars edit.

1 gas car has a 500°F average exhaust temperature.

500° x 60 seconds each minute for 60 minutes average use per day, = 1,800,000 ° the average driver heats the Earth each day.

1.5 billion gas cars on Earth...

 (1,500,000,000,000 x 1,800,000° F = 27,000,000,000,000,000 ° F)

27,000 trillion ° F gas cars are heating the Earth each day.

NASA says 5% of the Earth's thermal radiation is absorbed in the atmosphere

Which means the Earth's atmosphere warms 2.25 trillion ° F every day from gas car exhaust.

'Atmospheric effects become noticeable during atmospheric reentry of spacecraft at an altitude of around 120 km (75 mi). Several layers can be distinguished in the atmosphere, based on characteristics such as temperature and composition.'

- Atmosphere of Earth Wiki

EV cars have a 12+% CAGR.


Gary Numan has Asperger's Syndrome which is caused by gas car exhaust air pollution.

Asperger Syndrome Wiki.

God uses all of us.


1.5 billion gas cars:

- Perch Energy December 7th, 2023


- Gex Exhaust July 23rd, 2023


60 minutes per day:

- Bereau of Transportation Statistics

In 2022 the average driver spent 61 minutes driving:


- Reuters January 10th 2024


Over the last 2 decades the New York Times says hurricanes have doubled the frequency of becoming dangerous in less than one day, The Environmental Defense fund says Category 3 hurricanes or above have doubled in frequency since 1980, AP News says power outages have doubled, The Bangor Daily News says frost quakes are increasing in Maine, Yale Unversity says climate related natural disasters increased 83%, the World Economic Forum says droughts have increased by 1/3 in frequency and duration, S&P Global says damages from and frequency of large hail have increased in the U S, NPR says high tide flood days have increased 200% and Eos Magazine says forest fires have tripled in frequency and quadrupled in size.

Links here:

- Over

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