Monday, April 8, 2024


Very strange on the outside edge of totality if you pointed your camera around your location instead of focusing on the Sun !: - This post

Very eerie in Van Buren, a haunting rustle of wind and a ceasing of the road traffic made the very unusual looking twighlight seem other-worldly and there were very strange rippling waves of light on the grass, flowing from the north to south, in front if the old convent that I could see with my eyes but I could not see them on my phone's screen looking the same way.

What were those ripples ?

Power Director Video:

I thought I might have damaged my vision and this phone camera as during the darkening my vision became blurry and the camera's vision became blurry also.

There were bands and waves of light on the grass by the convent moving north to south, but the camera did not capture them.

But after it was over my vision returned to normal as did the camera's vision

Another interesting feature I had not thought about that might have disconcerted our ancestors throughout history was that the Sun did not go dark to the naked camera eye though where I was standing appeared to turn to night time.

The moon was not visible without filters.

So they would not have known it were the moon blocking the Sun, maybe.

Very strange on the outside edge of totality if you were not distracted by looking at the sun ! - Van Buren FB

'One to Two Minutes Before Totality:

Look for a phenomenon called shadow bands on white or light-colored surfaces. As light from the thin, crescent Sun gets bounced around by turbulent air in our atmosphere, it produces faint, rippling waves of light and dark that can be seen on light-colored surfaces.'

What to Expect: A Solar Eclipse Guide - NASA Science

The video of the Sun from the tripod does not show much change in the sunlight, but the video from my other phone shows how my eyesight vision got blurry as did the camera's 'vision' while the sky darkened...was it the air currents reflecting and refracting the Sun's light or...?

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