Friday, April 5, 2024


- Billy's FB

Billy's dad moved to St Pete, too, or was it Sarasota...

'Florida' by Taylor Swift:

TS's mom has cancer and is still living at their house in Nashville, but her dad, who was a stock broker in Texas before they moved to Pennsylvania, sort of lives in St Pete at a Vinoy Park condo.

So it probably has to do with her feelings about him, and also St Pete.

'She continued: “People have these crimes that they commit; where do they immediately skip town and go to? They go to Florida. They try to reinvent themselves, have a new identity, blend in. I think when you go through a heartbreak, there’s a part of you that thinks, ‘I want a new name. I want a new life. I don’t want anyone to know where I’ve been or know me at all.’ And so that was the jumping off point. Where would you go to reinvent yourself and blend in? Florida!”

Courtney was a very exotic dancer !

- The New York Times April 7th, 2024

- Tampa Bay Times April 5th, 2024

Courtney Love once threw compact mirrors at Madonna when Madonna was doing an MTV interview.

So this might not be as crazy as I thought...

I worked on a day labor ticket with a guy who looked just like the pic below of Kurt Cobain, Love's husband, putting the new dock in at the Pasedena Yacht Club in the 90s.

The guy had told me he left the music industry because he couldn't stand the lifestyle and that he wrote songs and just gave them to his friends now...

Coutney Love was aquitted of assault charges after diving from the stage in Orlando, Florida in 1995 into two guys.

 The Orlando Sentinel says she wanted more girls at the front of the stage so the guys would stop grabbing her breasts. 

She sued the county for $28,000 legal fees, and got $1,900.

She says here she attended Bennington College in 1977 and is presently releasing a new album in 2024:

Chris Barron of the Spin Doctors also attended Bennington College around the time the Shah of Iran's daughter did and about when he wrote 'Two Princes'.

Here she says she left Bennington to go to Ireland:

...Back to our story:

I vaguely wondered if it could have been Cobain without really believing it until I recently found out Billy Corgan had an intense relationship with Love just before she married Cobain.

- Rock Feed April 4th, 2024

Then I saw this pic today. The guy who lifted the water jet hoist on the pile driver barge was pretty strong and he looked just like this pic...he was maybe 70-80 pounds heavier than the pictures of Kurt Cobain, at least until seeing this pic, where he also looks much heavier.

- Kurt Cobain

Billy Lived in St Pete and worked as a day laborer out of the old Labor World on Central Avenue and has talked many times about Cobain...


- Jerrmy Bellemy Music April 5th, 2024

Just tried to post this on William Patrick Corgan's official FB to find out but it wouldn't post in the comments...

- William Patrick Corgan March 6th, 2024

Billy should get the old 95 YNF morning show host Ron Diaz to do promotions etc used to play pick up basketball with him at Fossil Park in St Pete - as Billy already knows, he is super funny and - used to anyway - love wrestling...

- Ron Diaz X

Last time I heard him on the radio was on the local sports station on 9/11 very funny how mad he got while on the air watching it live on TV while broadcasting a sports talk radio program.

So this might not be as crazy as I thought...

 Kurt Cobain

- Rolling Stone April 6th, 2024

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