Wednesday, November 13, 2019

harry hall harry sinclair

harry hall is harry sinclair

the sinclairs were the st claires alleged priori de sion

pdf archive

a guy named robinson invented the capacitor used to trigger the atomic bomb and lived in our hometown
the guy who wrote the graduate went to college in our hometown

theodore hall apparently gave the a bomb plans to the soviets as part of the venona spy ring - and got away with it
but hall wasnt his real name

so if harry hall's parents aren't known, hall might not have been harry's real name

In the fall of 1936, despite the protests of their parents, Edward, his brother, changed both his and Theodore's last name to Hall in an effort to avoid anti-Semitic hiring practices.[2][4]'

'From Holtzberg to Hall'

tom gulla:

hall have many name try harry haler

tom gulla took down his post after i commented on his public group frank cimino killed jfk

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