Sunday, November 3, 2019

'She understands that if she's attacked it's because she's making a difference

harold might be accidently involved in another hidden treasure mystery:






As renewable costs plummet, it is clear that there is no technological obstacle to transforming our energy system to create millions of good jobs. What we need now is the political will to enact a Green New Deal

susan collins, why is the pentagon missing $6.5 trillion ?

just realized i know something that most of America doesn't
susan got elected to three terms because the old loring afb now has the military pay station
'DFAS Limestone, a major component of the Defense Finance and Accounting Service office (BRAC 2005 consolidated 26 offices into 5 and this was one of the consolidation points'
so maybe that's why i was hit by cars 3 times in one day in caribou in 201

The lawyer shared an article published by Politico on Thursday morning. Titled "Trump lures GOP senators on impeachment with cold cash," the article outlined how the president is turning to his large network of donors to raise funds for a few senators facing difficult re-election campaigns in 2020. All of those senators have also signed a resolution condemning the Democratic-led impeachment inquiry

"This is a bribe. Any other American who offered cash to the jury before a trial would go to prison for felony bribery. But he can get away with it?" Painter, a law professor at the University of Minnesota, wrote on Twitter. "Criminal."'

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