Friday, May 17, 2024


'Ascension Neo' - 2024.

Former ambassador Kurt Tong's favorite song.

Kurt called once after Dave did when I was living with Dorothy in Florida. It kind of creeped me out a little, because Kurt had never called me before, and I was afraid something might be wrong with Dad. But he was OK.

I believe whatever's in my head and I wrote the words to this song below about a week after I talked to Dad because they asked me to call him.

It was Judy's favorite song.

Judy had a dream when she was camping out at Blue's cabin about a man telling her she had to leave who was wearing a green and white striped shirt.

Googling that was how I found out about telnyashkas, which are striped T-shirts the Russian armed services use.

Rocky Krizac was Ukrainian, and was found in a red and white striped shirt when her body had allegedly been discovered.

Red Telnyashkas are for the Russian National Guard and the green ones are for the Russian FSB border control guards.

Rocky's brother's FB said he had been hitchhiking around Soviet Russia when Rocky had been murdered, possibly by a guy staying with our neighbor Charlene, who was our sister Cher's close friend.

The guy had been convicted - 6 months after Rocky's murder - of manslaughter in the murder case of a union rep school teacher at the North Adams Sheraton. He had been on work release.

Cher's other friend was Sue Lehovec and they had both known Rocky.

Sue's dad invented P-N junction isolation, the fundamental component of solid state electronics.

He had been working at Sprague Electric when he invented it.

Sprague's was owned by Penn Central which had been created by Governor Vanderbilt's family, when Rocky's murder occurred.

Governor Vanderbilt owned and ran the Store at Five Corners at the intersection of Route 7 and Green River Road (Route 43).

Penn Central had been taken over from William Kissam Vanderbilt, Governor Vanderbilt's grandfather's son, by the Rockefeller - Morgan cartel in the early 1900s.

Governor Vanderbilt's Dad was killed on the Lusitania, an attack which began the US involvement in WW1.

JP Morgan had created GE.

Found out  a few weeks ago the entire Atlas nuclear missile system had been built just outside of Williamstown and transported to Cape Canaveral in the largest convoy ever up until then.

The hypersonic MIRV warheads on the Atlas ICBM used solid state electronics which made them much lighter and faster than Russian ICBMs which had still used the old vacuum tubes.

Venus is a town in South Florida next to Lake Okeechobee.

The tire plant was two places, one in Pinellas Park (the hard land) where there was a Coca Cola stand between PP and Seminole on Park Blvd.

I had heard they were building a new business next to it (it was a new tire store).

The other place was the alternate road West of Route 7 coming back to Williamstown  from Vermont, where there was a popcorn stand that opened in the summers that used to sell fresh carmel corn (like Cracker Jacks).

There is a tire store near there now too, but Dad had told me there was a new factory opening up near there.

He also told me a young man had been killed with a machete clearing out the trail up to Pine Cobble.

It was the last time I had talked to him before he died and later I went crazy from the hypnotic trigger.

I was crying when I wrote the words because of those memories we had growing up and that because I really missed Dad, he probably was my best friend and taught me so much with very few words.

 'Knowing what I know' was something our two neighbors told me about Dad, which might not have been true, based upon clues I have found out about them both.

But also might have been true because of something strange dad once got mad at me and our other two neighborhood friends, Harry and Joe, about once.

Kurt's favorite song in high school:

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