Monday, May 6, 2024

So Joe once told me the McCann Tech coach ordered the team to feed Kenny Sprague in the 1981 season.

I thought the same thing Joe was thinking - that the coach wanted Kenny to score more points because he was a Sprague.

But Kenny really was a good shooter so I asked Joe if Kenny was their team's best shooter and Joe admitted he was.

It is a rule in basketball that you always feed your team's hot shooter.

I mention it because I think Kenny lived in Williamstown and used to shoot around with us at the Lassal gym.

And he might have been friends with Lynne.

I believe I wrote the lyrics to 'Best I ever had' - by Gary Allen.

I never even imagined I would ever want to hurt Lynne, but I learned a very valuable lesson once, 

I was talking to her at the library and a guy who looked like Kenny came up to talk to her too, then Lynne said to me 'Keith, what do you want ?' in a cruel dismissal.

I left and thought horrifying thoughts I never would have thought I even could think about her !

Love can change that quickly. I call it my light switch now - from light to dark instantly !

Be careful of that feeling making you do something you would regret for the rest of your life to someone you love.

Later after I stayed away from her a while I went back to the library, I was just going to walk right by the desk and go look up some stuff but she said: 'Hi Keith' and was always very nice to me after that, so I forgave her.

But then one time at one of her basketball games Lynne's boyfriend, who was a West Point Cadet helicopter pilot came and sat down next to me, and he was very angry !

He had been very nice to me when I ran into him in Brooklyn when I rode my bike down there. But this time I thought he was going to fight me !

I got up and left but inside I was elated. I thought he must be jealous, which meant Lynne might be starting to like me !

But now I think I've figured out what happened.

Lynne liked that guy that looked like or was Kenny, and her boyfriend must have thought whatever she told him about the guy was me !

After Lynne graduated and when I first heard about the Central Park Jogger I became afraid it had been Lynne and that I had somehow done that to her when I got angry that night, and I once mentioned that to Kenny, or whoever he was when we were shooting around in the gym and asked me if I had heard how Lynne was doing.

For years it bothered me, until the Central Park Jogger came forward publicly to tell about her ordeal and it wasn't Lynne.

But in Gary Allen's (or Vertical Horizon's?) 'Best I Ever Had' that is where, from my point of view, the line 'was it what you wanted ?' came from.

It was because of Lynne that I found out about Mrs. W / Mrs. K and Professor Deane.

Lynne told me she was taking some kind of what I assumed was super calculus. She said something like 'Spinozoan calculus'.

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