Wednesday, March 20, 2024

The Rose Law Firm and Winthrop Rockefeller


- NBC News March 20th, 2024

'Mahlon Martin, president of the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation here, expressed publicly what few clients are willing to say for the record: "The Webb Hubbell thing creates in the minds of people whether that was an isolated incident or something that went on regularly."

Martin said that while his foundation remains loyal to Rose, if he were looking anew for a law firm, "I'm not sure it wouldn't play in our mind."'

- The Washington Post December 25th, 1994

Webbster  Hubbell Wiki

Winthrop Rockefeller funded Hillary's Rose Law Firm, and David Rockefeller's Chase Bank funded her 2016 campaign.

Winthrop built the airport and mansion on top of Petit Jean Mountain then became the governor that gave Bill Clinton, who signed PRWORA, his student deferment so Bill could work for the CIA.

The Rockefellers created the CIA out of Sullivan & Cromwell.


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