Wednesday, March 6, 2024

 Globalist Page

This girl says she found a page online that purports to be a speech by John D Rockefeller saying he wants to poison us and our children secretly - while getting us to pay him and whomever he is speaking to - for it !:

- News On Chain November 17th, 2022

- The Bangor Daily News April 23rd, 2024

The University of Las Vegas shooter introduced us to the term 'globalists' meaning a conspiracy ideology claiming that an elite group of super wealthy and powerful individuals are secretly controlling the world.

This fit in well with what we had already learned about one of the super wealthy families, the Rockefellers, so we began looking into 'globalism'.

- CNN December 7th, 2023

- Wiki Maxwell Crosby Azarello

Here is the Mark of the beast on U S Federal Reserve Note $1 bills with the Atlanta District code of '6' repeated four times for no apparent reason:

- Images App

A must read for those intent upon understanding and outing the Globalists:

- Mises Institute May 30th, 2022

Curiously, NAZI scientists brought over by Operation Paperclip created the CIA's MK Ultra mind control program Leonard Cohen was an admitted victim of, as it were the Rockefellers who funded the Allan Memorial Research Center at McGill University Cohen was a research victim of.

The Rockefellers owned Standard Oil which partnered with I G Farben who owned the Auschwitz concentration camp.

The Rockefellers also funded the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute Department of Eugenics Joseph Mengele worked for, and built the University of Chicago where the most infamous promoter of Eugenics, Charles Davenport, worked when he promoted Eugenics in 1930's Germany, which the NAZIs referenced as the inspiration for the Holocaust at the Nuremburg Trials.

- Far Out Magazine FB March 30th, 2024

- The Times of Israel, February 12, 2014

J D Rockefeller and J P Morgan among others created the U S Federal Reserve.

- Springer, September 1999

Wiki says 'Globalists', when used in reference to a global conspiracy of elites, is a conservative racist dog whistle used to blame Jewish people for the elites' shenanigans.

Globalist Wiki

But it was the non Jewish Morgan / Rockefelleller cartel that created the BIS Bank, the central bank of the world's central banks, which holds secret meetings and was taken over by Nazis during WW2.

Bank of International Settlements Wikipedia

- Global Research, October 3rd, 2009

'The bank financed war bonds for the War of 1812, serving as a founding member of the financial clearinghouse in New York (1853), underwriting the Union during the American Civil War with $50 million in war bonds, opening the first foreign exchange department of any bank (1897), and receiving a $5 million deposit to be given to Spain for the US acquisition of the Philippines (1899). In 1865, the bank joined the national banking system of the United States under the National Bank Act and became The National City Bank of New York. By 1868, it was one of the largest banks in the United States. The bank became the largest bank in New York City after the Panic of 1893 and the largest bank in the U.S. by 1895.[6] It helped finance the Panama Canal in 1904. By 1906, 11% of the federal government's bank balances were held by National City. National City at this time was the banker of Standard Oil, and the Chicago banking factions accused US Secretary of the Treasury L. M. Shaw of having too close of a relationship with National City and other Wall Street operators.[10] In 1907, Stillman, then the bank's chairman, intervened, along with J. P. Morgan and George Fisher Baker, in the Panic of 1907.'

Stillman was ...

- The National City Bank (The First National Bank of New York, which became CityBank) Wiki

James Stillman:

'James Stillman was married to Sarah Elizabeth Rumrill from 1855 to 1925.[7] Together they had:

Sarah Elizabeth "Elsie" Stillman (1872–1935), who married William Goodsell Rockefeller (1870–1922), a son of Standard Oil senior executive William Rockefeller.'

- James Stillman Wiki

'We have reported on Wall Street's financing of Hitler and Nazi programs prior to World War 2 but we have not given as much attention to its treasonous acts during the war. The depths to which these men of fabled wealth sent Americans to their deaths is one of the great untold stories of the war. John Rockefeller, Jr. appointed William Parish chairman of Standard Oil of New Jersey which was later rechristened Exxon. Parish lead a close partnership with his company and I. G. Farben, the German pharmaceutical giant whose primary raison d'etre was to occlude ownership of assets and financial transactions between the two companies, especially in the event of war between the companies' respective nations. This combine opened the Auschwitz prison camp on June 14, 1940 to produce artificial rubber and gasoline from coal using proprietary patents rights granted by Standard. Standard Oil and I. G. Parben provided the capital and technology while Hitler supplied the labor consisting of political enemies and Jews. Standard withheld these patents from US military and industry but supplied them freely to the Nazis.'

- The American Chronicle February 4th, 2012

- Sidney Morning Herald August 1st, 2019

- Marketplace June 5th, 2013

The Morgan / Rockefeller cartel also created the US Federal Reserve System after they caused a bank panic in 1907 trying to corner the copper market.

President Taft wound up being the one who broke up the Rockefeller's Standard Oil after Teddy Roosevelts' progressive 'Trust Busters' began enforcing the Sherman Anti Trust Act, which the website below says caused JD Rockefeller to create Roosevelt's Bull Moose Party to split the Republican vote to keep Taft from being elected.

Roosevelt and Taft did not break up Morgan's US Steel Monopoly though.

- Center for Constitutional Studies

Gates Mcgarrah had been the CEO of the Rockefeller's Chase Bank before he became CEO of the BIS bank and he was the grandfather of the former head of the CIA Richard Helms.

Richard Helms was the CIA operative who destroyed the US Government's copies of the MK Ultra mind control program files after inestigative journalist Seymore Hersh uncovered the program.

The Dulles brothers were international corporate lawyers for the Rockefellers' cosmopolitan law firm of Sullivan & Cromwell.

The Dulles brothers were close friends of the Rockefeller family and took over the CIA and the U S State Department in 1953 when the Rockefeller funded Dwight David Eisenhower became president, with Richard Nixon as his VP.

- Truthout October 17th, 2015

Former Axis controlled nations have much larger voting shares at the secretive Bank of International Settlements than the former Allied nations:

- IPEA January 10th, 2020

World War 1 made JD Rockefeller the world's first billionaire and the richest person in the world.

Because militaries throughout the world began relying on petroleum during World War 1 and each subsequent war, wars became very profitable for the 34 oil companies Standard Oil had been broken up into all of which JD Rockefeller still had controlling interest in.

- Maryville Edu 2024

- The Bill of Rights Institute 2024

Nelson Rockefeller was Gerald R Ford's Vice President.

-National Security Archive February 29th, 2016

- Tampa Bay Times March 23rd, 2023

Big oil received more federal government subsidies than any other industry and fed member banks get a gauranteed free 6% interest from the US treasury while billionaires were  allowed to declare bankruptcy and keep billions though homeless student loan borrowers weren't allowed to declare bankruptcy.

Subsidy Tracker Page

The rich stop being charged social security taxes once they start making millions in income while homeless workers still have to pay theirs.

The Panama Papers, The Bahamas Leaks and the Paradise Papers showed the world that the rich have been hiding their income from the IRS even while they've started wars that U S soldiers fought to defend their wealth, which only made the rich much richer.

'The University of Last Vegas shooter introduced us to the term 'globalists' meaning a conspiracy ideology claiming that an elite group of super wealthy and powerful individuals are secretly controlling the world.'

- CNBC March 23rd, 2024 on LinkedIn

- International Monetary Fund August 24th, 2023

'The super PAC’s nine individual donors included Abby Rockefeller, an activist member of the wealthy Rockefeller family who has donated to Democratic campaigns in the past.'

- NBC News April 8th, 2024

-X Whiteroseleaflets

'My dad managed to hide amongst the many German immigrants as the town grew into modern day Queens. He needed to convert the illegal jewels into cash. There were quite a few of former Nazis living in Queens at the time. They soon connected with one another. Through one of his Nazi friends he managed to connect to Fred Trump (Donald’s father). This happened at one of many underground Nazi party meetings. Even I attended a few of these clandestine meetings in the 1970’s. While the hippy movement was combatting the war in Vietnam, in cellars in Queens, my dad and Donald’s dad were upset that Hitler didn’t finish the job and were quite vocal and upset by it.'

- Secrets Politics by Mark Millman November, 2016


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