Thursday, November 9, 2023

'Free at Last'


was in north charleston, sc when  governor haley, who is a sikh, finally lowered the confederate flag over the state house in june, 2015 hopefully for good, thanks in a large part to steve spurrier who was head coach of the gamecocks then  

'lower that damn flag' - steve spurrier

it was lowered about a month after the ame church shooting and a few months after the walter scott police shooting, after which there were no riots, just very peaceful protests (there are more churches in charleston than in any other city) #mysteriousway

- The Irish Times

the white cop was arrested and convicted for shooting and killing the black walter scott who video showed running away from the officer after being tased for no apparent reason (he had a warrant for missing his alimony payments)

charleston is where the u s civil war started 

clive cussler worked in a dive shop in california when he began writing novels about an agency that finds ship wrecks while encountering national intelligence adventures and collecting antique cars 

he made so much money with them he created the agency in real life and has an airplane hanger full of antique cars

he found the confederate submarine the hunley in charleston harbor, it might have been shot through the front porthole window and sunk by the black watchman aboard the housatonic - which was the first ship sunk by a submarine

charleston is also where the award winning nuclear war t v movie 'special bulletin' takes place and we are now at defcon 2 for north america and the u s central command after putin raised his nuclear threat level to 'high risk' after invading ukraine

'bush' is an irish name as is 'taaffe'

the bush and taft (formerly 'taaffe') u s families both originate in the u s in quincy, mass where dunkin donuts was also born

william howard taft and prescott bush were both members of the skull and bones secret society and bohemian grove secret society, and wht was a master mason

george herbert walker bush may have been nazi spy george scherff jr when he was head of the cia during the walker spy ring nuclear sub espionage and case that took place in north charleston, as the walker in question is alleged to have sold nuke sub secrets to the kgb in return for a beer bar startup in summerville, a town just west of north charleston

when i was in sc i believe the beer bar was still in operation

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