Sunday, November 19, 2023

Poems and Lyrics

 Waiting for the pizza man lifelike days an unknown plan

this is my sadness

The beer truck is stuck in the median, the driver nowhere man left to find his oblivion in the seamless september sand

Stand to the East the fight is in your heart the last boat to nowhere is an imaginary ark

The battle cry of the suburban Stan laughter lines are the battle map scan

Ketchup please the fries and the grease american dream in a diner of heart disease then a slutty vegan saves us from ourselves and our weak knees art is the order check, please

Sugar and yeast


Last day.

The ending wasn't as sweet

The begining seemed liss nice.

The totality above and beyond

Painted another price

Left foot delays the electric on the way

Five days to go the subzero on the way.


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